BlogEngine.NET is an open source ASP.NET blogging project that was born out of desire for a better blog platform. BlogEngine.NET is easily customizable. Many downloadable themes, widgets, and extensions allow you to build unique value for your customers. With BlogEngine.NET, it is easy to make your blog look and function exactly how you’d like. as a leader in providing the best value in ASP.NET hosting proudly announce BlogEngine.Net 3.1 to create your better blog platform.
Start New Website .. with the easiest installation ever!   
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Our powerful servers are especially optimized and ensure the best BlogEngine.NET 3.1 performance
Our support team is ready 24/7/365 to provide assistances to all your technical inquiries.
We do provide free assistances, not only to your website setup, but all its related stuffs.
Your account will be setup instantly, and you can upload your files immediately. A URL while allowing testing while you wait for your domain to be active, this great all the convenience you can get for free-free installation only in
Our uptime rates (99.9% guaranteed!) are the envy of the hosting industry. Our 30-day guarantee removes all of the risk from hosting.
You will enjoy the full support of the experienced team, online to serve you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Professional & Reliable Service.